Contact & FAQ

For partnerships and other queries contact us at or +45 93 51 19 55

If you have general inquiries regarding the event, please make sure to check our FAQ (frequently asked questions) page first. In case you haven’t found the answer you’re looking for, you’re welcome to write to us directly! 

Our Team

DTU | DTU Skylab

Sara Dømler

Project Lead OpenInnovation Circularity

Student Innovation Manager at DTU Skylab

+45 93 51 19 55


Stephanie Clemente

Project Manager OpenInnovation Circularity

Educational Developer at CSE

+45 50 45 66 49

KU | Actory

Ellen-Margrethe Dahl-Gren

Project Manager OpenInnovation Circularity

Head of Actory

+45 31 35 43 83



No! No specific qualifications or experiences needed. Just curiosity, team spirit and enthusiasm to change the world for the better! Besides, we have a team of experienced mentors and facilitators on standby, who will support your team in the innovation process.

Yes! You can absolutely sign up as an individual! In fact, the majority of participants signs up just by themselves and is later matched with other applicants to form an interdisciplinary team.

We believe that working together with other students coming from different study backgrounds brings the most advantages to solve complex challenges. And our past participants agree! So do not worry, we got you!

Yes! If you already have a team in mind, you’re welcome to sign up together. However, all team members must apply individually! Each of you simply needs to include the names of your teammates while filling in the registration form. 

However, we encourage you to sign up as an individual based on our experience from last year. The participants appreciated being cross-matched with students from other universities and hence being able to draw from different perspectives and study backgrounds.

The final decision is of course up to you! 🙂

In order for us to ensure cross-disciplinary collaboration and form students teams, the latest date you can register is September 15th – included.

We expect you to work on the challenge throughout the Kick-off event (Friday afternoon and during the Innovation Sprint (Saturday & Sunday).

The Finals take place the following Thursday, and many student teams choose to meet post-weekend to finalise their ideas, presentations and pitches. However, this is not an expectation of ours. We just simply want to give all teams the option.

We aim to allocate between 4-6 students to each team, while respecting everybody challenge preferences and wishes to be teamed up with a friend or friends.

Yes! All students at Bachelor, Master or Ph.d level from all educational institutions and universities can apply. This applies to graduates who finished their studies less than a year ago.

However, we have a limited amount of seats available for each challenge and will therefore choose between the incoming applications in case we reach our capacity. We will also create a waiting list should there be a need for it.

If we still have spots available, you will receive a confirmation email shortly after finishing your registration. In case we’ve reached our capacity, you will be able to join a waitlist, and we would be in touch once and if we find a spot for you.

The Event

No! The event is entirely free. We only require your time commitment.

The event consists of three separate events, and by registering, you’re signing up to attend all of them:

  • Kick-off (Friday, September 20th – 14:30 – 20:00)
  • Innovation Sprint (Saturday & Sunday, September 21st & 22nd – all day events)
  • Finals & Celebration (Thursday, September 26th – 15:30 – 20:30)
As you will be a part of the team, it is important that you can be present for all three event elements.

Our aim is to create a challenge-based event that brings together people from all countries, universities and fields of study. Therefore, the Open Innovation CIRCULARITY is always held in English.

OpenInnovation Circularity promotes cross-disciplinary collaboration and as such, the events take place in three separate locations – at the University of Copenhagen (København K), Copenhagen Business School (Frederiksberg) and at Danish Technical University (Kongens Lyngby).

We provide food and beverages throughout the event to make sure you won’t go hungry!

We recommend that you bring your computer, as you will go through your innovation journey through an online teaching platform such as Miro.

Other than that, all materials needed for the challenge will be provided to you, including pens, notepads and post-its.


No, not at all! All solutions are welcome.

In the name of open innovation, anyone can pursue the idea once it is created and presented at the event. This way, we can create as much value for the society as we can.

However, if you and/or your team want to continue working on your idea after the event is over, great! We can help you move forward in the process!

You can refer to our subpage 2023 Challenges (click the button below) to read more about this year’s challenge areas and topics. We already announced our challenge partners, and the names of all challenges.

Whether a challenge is right for you depends on multiple factors. Some students choose their preferred track based on the the industry they’re studying, the company they would like to learn more about, or simply the topic that speaks to them in the moment! 

As we expect to welcome interdisciplinary teams and students with different depths of knowledge in various fields, we guarantee that you don’t need any industry-specific knowledge regarding the challenge track you choose. We will also equip you with sufficient background information to dive into the innovation journey!


Yes! Our challenge partners will present you the chosen company challenge in more detail during the Kick-Off event, and will offer guidance to the students teams working on their respective tracks during the Innovation Weekend.

They will also meet you during finals, and be a part of our panel of judges. Once we are done with pitches and awards, you will also have a chance to chat a bit more during our Celebration & Networking part of the evening.

While filling up your registration form, we will ask you to indicate your 1st and 2nd challenge preference. 

We will then take your preferences into account when forming the teams, and will do our best to assign you to the challenge track of your choice. We however cannot guarantee that you will be working on your 1st preference. We encourage you sign up early to make sure you will.

We look forward to seeing you soon!